My Practice
Legal Depth & Diversity
What to Expect
Todd W. Gee has been practicing law in Southeast Tennessee since 2016. Past and current clients include an international corporation, local businesses and non-profits, the indigent, the wealthy, the young, and the elderly.
Hiring an attorney can often be very costly. Todd W. Gee is committed to helping you retain your legal rights without having to go broke. Many of his services are contingency-based, with payment plans available for other matters.
Todd W. Gee understands that not all of his clients are able to meet during normal business hours at his Cleveland, Tennessee office due to mobility issues or busy schedules. Call Todd to schedule an appointment at a time and location convenient for you.
As a client coming to Todd W. Gee, Attorney-at-Law, you have a unique legal need that will be analyzed closely. Todd intends to both meet and exceed your legal needs and experience. If he determines that his skill-set is not an excellent match for your legal circumstances, Todd will try to help you find another local attorney who can serve you well.
Todd W. Gee has practiced almost every kind of law and maintains a general practice, ranging from transactional matters to family law. However, the following practice areas are those in which Todd takes a special interest.
- Judgment Collections
- Business Account Collections
- Creditors' Rights
- Contract Drafting and Review
- Corporate Organization
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Tax Law
- Residential Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate
- Landlords' Rights
- Estate Planning, Wills, & Trusts
- Estate Administration
- Asset Protection
- Criminal Defense
- Orders of Protection